How to make Hefeweizen beer

How to make Hefeweizen beer

One of the best summer beers you can make is Hefeweizen.  This Southern German (Bavarian) wheat ale is incredibly simple to make, but has great complex flavors.  The beer can have strong banana flavors or strong clove flavors, and everything in-between.  There can...

How to make Mexican Lagers

Mexican lagers have always been an enigma to me.  I’ve been all over Mexico, and I can say with certainty the place is hot.  The last time I was in Mexico was for a football game between the Miami Dolphins and Denver Broncos in Mexico City.  The game was at...
10 summer homebrew beers you need to start now

10 summer homebrew beers you need to start now

If you have not started getting your home brewery in order, you better get to it.  It takes beer 5 weeks on average to ferment and to be ready for consumption, it many take longer. For spring and summer beers, you want something that is light, crisp, and generally...
All-grain brewing: How to batch sparge

All-grain brewing: How to batch sparge

Sparging is sprinkling water over mash to rinse the fermentable sugars from the grain.  The rinsing helps to extract about 70-80% of the fermentable sugars from the grain.  These sugars eventually become your alcohol and beer.  There are two common methods to sparge...