Heineken is coming to your tailgating party!
Just in time for the football season, Heineken is releasing a new product called the Heineken Premium Light Draughtkeg. This recyclable keg is different from most kegs.
Usually personal home kegs are gravity-fed meaning you need to tip the keg to pour beer from a spout, or it comes with a pump which exposes the beer to oxygen. This new keg comes with it’s own patented internal carbonator. This carbonator releases CO2 to push the beer from the keg, just like at your favorite pub or crafty home brewer’s house. Since the keg uses CO2 to dispense the beer the beer stays fresher; up to 30 days after tapping the keg! The best part is that the CO2 is internal, so you do not need to mess with gauges or CO2 tanks.
The size of the keg is portable, and will fit into most refrigerators.
The Heineken Premium Light Draughtkeg was released in some markets in July, but will be available everywhere in August. Retailers will ultimately set the price, but Heineken is suggesting $19.99 for the keg. The keg is 100% recyclable light-weight steel, but there is no information on if you need to return the keg or if it needs to be recycled by your waste desposal company.
About Heineken USA
Heineken USA Inc., the nation’s premier beer importer, is a subsidiary of Heineken International BV, which is the world’s most international brewer. Brands imported into the U.S. include: Heineken Lager, the world’s most international beer brand; Heineken Premium Light; Amstel Light, a leading imported light beer brand; Heineken Dark; and Buckler non-alcoholic brew. Heineken USA is also the exclusive USA importer for the Tecate, Tecate Light, Dos Equis, Sol, Carta Blanca and Bohemia brands from FEMSA Cerveza of Mexico. Please visit EnjoyHeinekenResponsibly.com.
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DJ Spiess
Beer buddy
I live in Denver, Colorado. This blog is everything about beer, wine, cider, mead and other spirits.
I am a avid homebrewer and winemaker. I’ve been making my own beer and wine for many years. I started making beer when I was in college (mostly because the drinking age in the United States is 21). My first few beers were horrible. The beers are much better now, and I often supply my neighborhood with free beer! It is a great hobby!