696 very good reasons why we should lower the drinking age
I missed out on the grandfather date for legally drinking 3.2% beer in Colorado by a little over a year. It was weird having friends who could legally buy alcohol who were under 21 years of age. I always felt it was unfair I could not buy alcohol, just because I was a bit younger. You can hunt, vote, marry, live on your own, purchase porn (or even perform), have sex, have abortions, get a credit card, enter into legally binding agreements, hold public office, be executed, get sued, own a business, employ others, and even go to war and die for your country. You just can’t buy a beer.
The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required every state in America to legislate and enforce 21 years of age as the minimum age to possess and consume alcohol. The Federal Aid Highway Act takes 10% of highway funds from every state which does not set the minimum age at 21. Fair or not, the legal drinking age in the United States is 21.
What’s Changed?
These laws have been in effect for more than two decades, but what has the change accomplished? Proponents for the laws will point out alcohol related deaths have decreased since the law went into effect. This is true; however, all alcohol related deaths have decreased for almost all ages. Tougher DUI laws and drunk-driving education, better cars equipped with airbags, and other alcohol awareness programs have reduced the number of alcohol related fatalities in all age categories except in one notable category, 21 to 24. It appears the law just raised the ages of those killed.
Some might argue a lower drinking age will result in higher rates of drinking as an adult. There is no research to demonstrate this. Research actually shows the desire to drink alcohol after 21 wanes with each year.
Research also shows underage drinkers are more likely to desire spirits over beer and wine. This is most likely because spirits give “more bang for the buck”. A bottle of vodka is easier to sneak around or mix with orange juice than a 6-pack of beer. You can get alcohol poisoning from beer, but it is much more difficult. I would rather let them have the beer. Beer becomes the beverage of choice quickly after the age of 21.
Another problem with the higher drinking age is kids go to college and are exposed to the “forbidden fruit” with little to no guidance. Without the education and experience they might have learned from their family, they are more prone to over-indulgence. This puts them at greater risk, because they know drinking is illegal. “They get sick, they get scared and they get into trouble and they can’t call because they know it’s illegal,” says Vermont Senator Hinda Miller.
Bad choices, not alcohol, are to blame
The real problem is how alcohol is viewed in America. In countries where alcohol abuse is not a problem, alcohol is seen as neutral. Other cultures teach their youth how to drink in the safe environment of the home. In these countries, the legal drinking age is lower than America. Alcohol education needs to come from the family, not a mandate from the government.
So what age do you consider someone an adult? America is a free country where adults are allowed to make their own choices, for better or worse – but not minors. An 18-year-old is considered adult enough to vote for people to lead our country, but not buy a beer. Is an 18-year-old an adult or not?
How old to fire a gun?!?
A 12-year-old can carry a gun and hunt and kill game. Am I the only person who finds this scary? I’m not advocating a 12-year-old be allowed to purchase a beer, but it is strange our country thinks a gun is safer than a beer in the hands of a child. The reality is the child has the gun under adult supervision and is required to take training before the child is granted a license. Why is the same approach not applied to drinking?
Who can better teach a child about alcohol than their parents? The government thinks it is better for people to start from scratch at 21. It is illegal in many states for a parent to provide their child an alcoholic beverage. Personally I think I am a much better choice to teach my child about alcohol. No wonder 21-year-olds do not know how to drink – but with our laws they have nine years of practice with a gun!
No beer, but here hold this gun!
And they are in luck! We have a great job for those who know how to use a gun. I cannot believe we allow young men and women to fight in wars, but we don’t allow them to drink. I cannot describe how offensive I find this contradiction of “adulthood”. When I was a teenager I got into this argument with my father. His response at the time, “we don’t go to war that often”. America went to war in the first Gulf War two years later.
An 18-year-old is old enough to give their life for our country, but not old enough to buy a beer. As of date of writing this article, 696 soldiers have died in Iraq and were not old enough to buy a beer. Here are 696 very good reasons why we should lower the drinking age right now to 18. These men and women did die for our country, but still were never trusted with a beer.
696 reasons to lower the drinking age to 18
Ruben Estrella-Soto | 18 | Army Private |
Andrew Julian Aviles | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
David Evans Jr. | 18 | Army Private |
Cory Ryan Geurin | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Daniel R. Parker | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Charles M. Sims | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Michael G. Mihalakis | 18 | Army National Guard Specialist |
Matthew G. Milczark | 18 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Dustin M. Sekula | 18 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Marcus M. Cherry | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Kyle D. Crowley | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Ryan M. Jerabek | 18 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Anthony P. Roberts | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Bradley G. Kritzer | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Leslie D. Jackson | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Sam W. Huff | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Christopher R. Dixon | 18 | Marine Reserve Private 1st Class |
Jonathan R. Flores | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Christopher R. Kilpatrick | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Sergio H. Escobar | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Peter D. Wagler | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Stephen P. Snowberger III | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jeremy Z. Long | 18 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Colin Joseph Wolfe | 18 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Jeremy R. Shank | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jason Franco | 18 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Eric R. Sieger | 18 | Army Specialist |
Matthew T. Zeimer | 18 | Army Private |
Steven J. Walberg | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Le Ron A. Wilson | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Christopher D. Kube | 18 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jeremy S. Bohannon | 18 | Army Private |
Nathan Z. Thacker | 18 | Army Private |
Brandon Scott Tobler | 19 | Army Reserve Specialist |
Brandon Ulysses Sloan | 19 | Army Private |
Nolen Ryan Hutchings | 19 | Marine Private |
Gregory Paul Sanders | 19 | Army Specialist |
Diego Fernando Rincon | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Christian Daniel Gurtner | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Devon Demilo Jones | 19 | Army Private |
Gregory Paul Huxley Jr. | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Anthony Scott Miller | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Alan Dinh Lam | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Jose F. Gonzalez Rodriguez | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Kenneth A. Nalley | 19 | Army Private |
Jesse M. Halling | 19 | Army Private |
Ryan R. Cox | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Robert L. Frantz | 19 | Army Private |
Jonathan M. Cheatham | 19 | Army Reserve Private 1st Class |
Duane E. Longstreth | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Vorn J. Mack | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Pablo Manzano | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Benjamin L. Freeman | 19 | Army Private |
Stephen E. Wyatt | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Paul J. Bueche | 19 | Army National Guard Private 1st Class |
Steven Acosta | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Rachel K. Bosveld | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Joey D. Whitener | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jason G. Wright | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jeffrey F. Braun | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Nathan W. Nakis | 19 | Army National Guard Specialist |
Luis A. Moreno | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Holly J. McGeogh | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
William C. Ramirez | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Bryan N. Spry | 19 | Army Private |
Nichole M. Frye | 19 | Army Reserve Private 1st Class |
Dustin L. Kreider | 19 | Army Private |
William R. Strange | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Geoffrey S. Morris | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Shane Lee Goldman | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Moises A. Langhorst | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Christopher R. Cobb | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Travis J. Layfield | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Christopher D. Mabry | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Chance R. Phelps | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Torrey L. Gray | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
James E. Marshall | 19 | Army Specialist |
Brian K. Cutter | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Brandon C. Sturdy | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Michael A. Mora | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Daniel Paul Unger | 19 | Army National Guard Private 1st Class |
Kyle W. Codner | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Cody S. Calavan | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Bradli N. Coleman | 19 | Army Private |
Sean Horn | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
William River Emanuel IV | 19 | Army Specialist |
Harry N. Shondee Jr. | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Joseph L. Nice | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Jonathan W. Collins | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Fernando B. Hannon | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Seth Huston | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Charles L. Neeley | 19 | Army Reserve Specialist |
Omead H. Razani | 19 | Army Specialist |
Luis A. Perez | 19 | Army Reserve Private 1st Class |
Nicholas Perez | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Tomas Garces | 19 | Army National Guard Specialist |
David Paul Burridge | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Jason L. Sparks | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Dominic C. Brown | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Mathew D. Puckett | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Andrew Halverson | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Aaron J. Rusin | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Oscar A. Martinez | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Victor A. Gonzalez | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
David L. Waters | 19 | Army Private |
Richard Patrick Slocum | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
John Lukac | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Andrew G. Riedel | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Nicholas D. Larson | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Abraham Simpson | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Nathan R. Wood | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Nicholas H. Anderson | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Cole W. Larsen | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Justin D. McLeese | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Travis R. Desiato | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Bradley L. Parker | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Phillip G. West | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Jordan D. Winkler | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Joshua E. Lucero | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Joshua A. Ramsey | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Oscar Sanchez | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Brian P. Parrello | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Gunnar D. Becker | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jesus Fonseca | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jason C. Redifer | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Sean P. Maher | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Richard C. Clifton | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Richard A. Perez Jr. | 19 | Marine Reserve Lance Corporal |
Landon S. Giles | 19 | Army Private |
Samuel S. Lee | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Tenzin Dengkhim | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Casey M. LaWare | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Charles S. Cooper Jr. | 19 | Army Private |
Stephen P. Baldwyn | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Wesley R. Riggs | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Carrie L. French | 19 | Army National Guard Corporal |
Chad B. Maynard | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Adam J. Crumpler | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Lavena L. Johnson | 19 | Army Private |
Ramon A. Villatoro Jr. | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Christopher Jenkins Dyer | 19 | Marine Reserve Lance Corporal |
Nils George Thompson | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Nathaniel E. “Nate” Detample | 19 | Army National Guard Private 1st Class |
Joshua P. Dingler | 19 | Army National Guard Specialist |
Ramon Romero | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Elijah M. Ortega | 19 | Marine Private |
Oliver J. Brown | 19 | Army National Guard Private 1st Class |
Roberto C. Baez | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Andrew D. Bedard | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Shayne M. Cabino | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Jason L. Frye | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Daniel Scott R. Bubb | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Kenneth J. Butler | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Christopher T. Monroe | 19 | Army Reserve Specialist |
Mario A. Reyes | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jeremy P. Tamburello | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Daniel Freeman Swaim | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
John A. “JT” Lucente | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Anthony Alexander “Alex” Gaunky | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Adam Wade Kaiser | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Andrew G. Patten | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Brian A. Wright | 19 | Army National Guard Specialist |
Jeriad P. Jacobs | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Jonathan Kyle Price | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Javier Chavez Jr. | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Amy A. Duerksen | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Angelo A. Zawaydeh | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jeremy W. Ehle | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Chase A. Edwards | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Jody W. Missildine | 19 | Army Private |
Ryan G. Winslow | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Michael E. Bouthot | 19 | Army Private |
Travis C. Zimmerman | 19 | Army Private |
Michael L. Ford | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Christopher M. Eckhardt | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Leon Deraps | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
David N. Crombie | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Brent Zoucha | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Devon J. Gibbons | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Ryan. J. Clark | 19 | Army Corporal |
Kyle Miller | 19 | Army National Guard Specialist |
Anthony E. Butterfield | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
James J. Arellano | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Dan Dolan | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Nicholas A. Madaras | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Philip A. Johnson | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Anthony P. Seig | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Ryan A. Miller | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Christopher T. Blaney | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Edward M. Garvin | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Shane R. Austin | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Stephen Bicknell | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Donald S. Brown | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Ryan T. McCaughn | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Kristopher C. Warren | 19 | Marine Reserve Lance Corporal |
Heath Warner | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Reece D. Moreno | 19 | Army Private |
Jesse D. Tillery | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Ross A. McGinnis | 19 | Army Private |
Joe L. Baines | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Nick J. Palmer | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Seth M. Stanton | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Fernando S. Tamayo | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Andrew H. Nelson | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Ryan R. Berg | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Collin R. Schockmel | 19 | Army Specialist |
Andrew G. Matus | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
David T. Toomalatai | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Adam Q. Emul | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Tarryl B. Hill | 19 | Marine Reserve Private 1st Class |
Daniel T. Morris | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Kelly D. Youngblood | 19 | Army Private |
Matthew C. Bowe | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Adare W. Cleveland | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Louis G. Kim | 19 | Army Specialist |
Cory C. Kosters | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jonathan K. Smith | 19 | Army Specialist |
Raymond J. Holzhauer | 19 | Marine Lance Corporal |
Miguel A. Marcial III | 19 | Marine Private 1st Class |
Daniel A. Fuentes | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Damian Lopez Rodriguez | 19 | Army Private |
John G. Borbonus | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Richard P. Langenbrunner | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Michael J. Slater | 19 | Army Private |
Jeffrey A. Avery | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jerry R. King | 19 | Army Specialist |
Brian A. Botello | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Katie M. Soenksen | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Michael A. Pursel | 19 | Army Corporal |
Daniel Courneya | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Aaron D. Gautier | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Joshua G. Romero | 19 | Army Specialist |
Alexander R. Varela | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Robert A. Worthington | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Clinton C. Blodgett | 19 | Army Specialist |
Anthony D. Hebert | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Dustin L. Workman II | 19 | Army Specialist |
James J. Harrelson | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Ron J. Joshua Jr. | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Zachary Clouser | 19 | Army Specialist |
Daniel A. Leckel | 19 | Army Specialist |
Jaime Rodriguez Jr. | 19 | Army Specialist |
Braden J. Long | 19 | Army Specialist |
Donald M. Young | 19 | Army Specialist |
Travis M. Virgadamo | 19 | Army Specialist |
Dane R. Balcon | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Marisol Heredia | 19 | Army Specialist |
Sammie E. Phillips | 19 | Army National Guard Private 1st Class |
Christian M. Neff | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Shayna Ann Schnell | 19 | Navy Seaman Apprentice |
Genesia Mattril Gresham | 19 | Navy Seaman |
Cody M. Carver | 19 | Army Private |
Daren A. Smith | 19 | Army Private |
Juctin R. P. McDaniel | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Ivan E. Merlo | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Duncan Charles Crookston | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Jack T. Sweet | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
Micheal E. Phillips | 19 | Army Private 1st Class |
William D. O |
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DJ Spiess
Beer buddy
I live in Denver, Colorado. This blog is everything about beer, wine, cider, mead and other spirits.
I am a avid homebrewer and winemaker. I’ve been making my own beer and wine for many years. I started making beer when I was in college (mostly because the drinking age in the United States is 21). My first few beers were horrible. The beers are much better now, and I often supply my neighborhood with free beer! It is a great hobby!