The Amazing KegDroid

The Amazing KegDroid

So what happens when a computer enthusiast/homebrewer decides he needs a new hobby? This guy took a Zoom tablet running Ice Cream Sandwich (I knew there was a use for a Zoom), and Audrino micro controller, and a tap system to create a beer pouring robot. Of course,...
How to make a great Altbier (German Ale)

How to make a great Altbier (German Ale)

I’ve made several alt style beers for my neighborhood parties. I always am asked “what kind of beer is this”, which is quickly met with blank stares when I call it an “alt” style beer. In fact, I received so many blank stares at park parties I eventually relented and...
The All-in-One Personal Brewery

The All-in-One Personal Brewery

Invented by New Zealanders Ian Williams and Anders Warn, the WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery makes homebrewing very simple. You simply add ingredients, boil, add yeast and wait for beer. How is this system different? Everything happens in one machine. The WilliamsWarn...