by DJ Spiess | Dec 16, 2008 | Brewing beer
I remember travelling to England for the first time. I landed in Gatwick about 7 am local time. Completely jetlagged, I barely knew where I was, but to “adjust” to the European time zone I needed to stay awake for the rest of the day. How do I stay up? I headed...
by DJ Spiess | Jul 8, 2008 | Brewing beer
One of the best summer beers you can make is Hefeweizen. This Southern German (Bavarian) wheat ale is incredibly simple to make, but has great complex flavors. The beer can have strong banana flavors or strong clove flavors, and everything in-between. There can...
by DJ Spiess | Feb 9, 2008 | Brewing beer, Featured, Homebrewing
The History of Chimay Since 1862 Chimay beers are brewed by the Cistercian Trappist monks of Chimay. The monks produce 120,000 hectoliters annually so that they can afford to be monks and help those less fortunate. The monks belong to the Order of Cistercians of the...
by DJ Spiess | Jan 30, 2008 | Brewing beer
My wife likes one beer – Lindeman’s Framboise. Every other beer, she turns her nose up. As an avid homebrewer, this is difficult to take because I haven’t made a beer that she appreciates. Since she likes the lambics, I decided to take the plunge into the scary...