Drunks expecting deposit get withdrawl

Three sexy women were arrested for scamming drunk men out of their money.  The young women in their 20s targeted drunk men outside bars offering rides home or after hour parties.  Once the man was lured into in the car, the sirens would slip their hands into the...
Badger cherry bender blocks traffic

Badger cherry bender blocks traffic

Here’s a beer nut you might not expect.  A badger, the animal, in Germany got drunk on over-ripe cherries and passed out in the road. A motorist called the police to report a dead badger in the road.  When the police arrived, they found the badger was not dead...
Brazilian Ice Wine?

Brazilian Ice Wine?

For the first time, well the first time in modern history, the temperature dropped low enough in Brazil to create ice wine.  Temperatures in Santa Catarina, Brazil reached -7.5 C (18.5 F).  Ice wine requires a hard freeze of -7 C to -8 C.  The Pericó Winery claims to...
Beer Wars reviews around the net

Beer Wars reviews around the net

To tell you the truth, I didn’t see the movie so I can’t say much about it. The only details I know are from the hype-machine.  I react adversely to hype, you can blame George Lucas for that (besides, Thursday night is the night when I wash my hair). ...

The Apple DWI defense

The Apple DWI Defense Newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reported last week Marek Latas, a Polish lawmaker, was pulled over for a DWI.  The legal blood alcohol content limit in Poland is 0.2 units. Latas was pulled over with a blood alcohol content of 0.7 units.  I have no...