The Beer Nuts of 2007
Megan Jane Conroy – Drunken Schoolgirl
This story was very popular with the Fermentarium community and the internet at large. Megan, 17, returned home to find her mom throwing a birthday party. Megan had also been partying that night before returning home. She took exception to one of the patrons of her mom’s party, because he was a “kiwi” (someone from New Zealand).
Being born in New Zealand was only this man’s first crime. His next crime helped land Megan into Fermentarium’s Beer Nuts hall of fame. He mispronounced her name. His crime caused this drunken schoolgirl to go into a fit of rage and to kick the kiwi “in his kiwis” – three times. Ouch.
When we first posted this story, we thought it was humorous. Somehow we pictured her yelling “say my name biatch!!” just like the girl in American Pie while kicking him. The world thought the story was even funnier. We received searches and hits on this story for many months afterward. This story was so popular that it received more hits than all but six of the stories on Fermentarium for 2007. We still get hits on this story.
Bare man eaten by bears at beer festival
This was our second most popular Beer Nuts story, even though it received less than half the hits of Megan Jane Conroy. This man’s moment of internet fame not only landed in our Beer Nuts section, it also landed him a Darwin Award.
After partying at a nearby beer festival, a 23 year old Serbian man took off all his clothes, folded them into a corner of a bear cage and tried to cuddle up with the bear. The bare man was then attacked by the bear. We’re guessing the bare man barely knew where he was, before climbing in the bear cage.
Doughnuts in the Park
The third most popular Beer Nuts story was a girl who was arrested for driving drunk. What made the story slightly funnier was that she was driving in the middle of the park doing doughnuts. However it was her picture that really made the story. She just looked so gosh darn happy in her mug shot.
Notable mentions
Here are the other articles that didn’t make our top three, but were still popular:
Naked Male Hula Dancer Steals Beer
Couple takes beer from store after hours: Jailarity ensues
München “Wiesn”‘s Up To Paris [Hilton]
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DJ Spiess
Beer buddy
I live in Denver, Colorado. This blog is everything about beer, wine, cider, mead and other spirits.
I am a avid homebrewer and winemaker. I’ve been making my own beer and wine for many years. I started making beer when I was in college (mostly because the drinking age in the United States is 21). My first few beers were horrible. The beers are much better now, and I often supply my neighborhood with free beer! It is a great hobby!